> 春节2024 > 今天不是大年三十了吗





关于过年的英语翻译~~~今天是大年三十,明天对中国人来说才是... -ZOL问答

Today is New Year\'s Eve, the Chinese people, tomorrow is the real New Year.

In Chinese culture, the New Year is celebrated over a period of 15 days, with the first day of the lunar calendar marking the beginning of a new year. The day before the lunar New Year is known as New Year\'s Eve, or \"大年三十\" in Chinese.

It is believed that the celebrations of the New Year\'s Eve can bring good luck and fortune for the coming year. Therefore, it is a time for families to gather together, have a big feast, exchange gifts, and set off fireworks.









Today is New Year\'s Eve festival, also is 30, namely \"new\"! There is a legend that year old:\"year\".

For Chinese people, the Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional holiday. It is a time for family reunions, feasts, and celebrations. The New Year\'s Eve, also known as \"大年三十\" in Chinese, marks the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year.

During the New Year\'s Eve, people will have a big family dinner, set off fireworks, and stay up late to welcome the arrival of the new year. It is believed that these traditions can bring good luck and prosperity for the coming year.


距离今年大年三十还有54天,时间真是快,一晃一年又过去了,我们又老了一岁,孩子们又长大一岁,岁月如歌,愿岁月静好,所遇皆安,也希望疫情就在今年终止,明年... 距。

It is currently 54 days away from this year\'s New Year\'s Eve. Time flies, and another year has passed. We are getting older, and children are growing up. May the years be peaceful and safe, and hopefully, the COVID-19 pandemic will end this year, bringing a better year ahead.

As the New Year\'s Eve approaches, people are busy with preparations for the festive season, including cleaning their homes, shopping for new clothes, and buying food and decorations for the celebrations.


1月25号大年30 新历1月25是除夕,26号是大年初一。是牛年哦。 1月26号是初一,25是春节,法定假日是1月25日至31日 1月26日是大年初一

Today is still in the month of January, and the Lunar New Year falls on different dates each year based on the lunar calendar. This year, the Lunar New Year falls on January 25th, which is the New Year\'s Eve. The following day, January 26th, is the first day of the lunar year, marking the beginning of the Spring Festival.

In the Chinese zodiac, this year is the Year of the Ox, which represents diligence, hard work, and determination. The Lunar New Year is a time for people to set goals for the year ahead and make wishes for good fortune and success.









During the Chinese New Year, the markets and shops are usually open until late at night on New Year\'s Eve, allowing people to do their last-minute shopping for fresh ingredients and festive items. It is a busy and bustling time, as everyone prepares for the upcoming celebrations.

Food plays a significant role in the Chinese New Year celebrations. Families will gather together to cook and enjoy traditional dishes, such as dumplings, fish, and glutinous rice cake. Each dish has its symbolic meaning, representing good fortune, happiness, and prosperity.

As the New Year approaches, the markets are filled with a variety of ingredients and decorations. People are excited to buy fresh produce and traditional snacks to share with their families and friends during the festivities.





