> 文章列表 > 春节过年英语怎么说





春节在英语中是Spring Festival,也可以称为Chinese New Year,即中国新年。对于元旦(New Year\'s Day),则是指1月1日。

是in/at/on/spring festival是in/at/on the spring festival吗?

在春节期间,我们使用at Spring Festival这个表达方式,表示整个春节期间,而不仅限于某一天。而在元旦这个具体的节日,我们使用on Chinese New Year\'s Day。另外,类似表达方式还有at Christmas指的是在圣诞节期间。


- 元旦(New Year’s Day)
- 春节(Spring Festival)
- 元宵节(The Lantern Festival)
- 国际劳动妇女节(International Working Women’s Day)
- 清明节(Tomb Sweeping Day)
- 十一国庆节(National Day)
- 感恩节(Thanksgiving)
- 圣诞节(Christmas)


春节用英语说可以是Spring Festival,也可以是Chinese New Year。在句子中,如果具体指向春节这个特定的节日,可以加上the,即the Spring Festival。


英文原文为the spring festival,英式音标为/[ðə] [sprɪŋ] [ˈfestɪv(ə)l]/,美式音标为/[ðə] [sprɪŋ] [ˈfɛstəvəl]/。


We have just celebrated the Spring Festival. On the day of the Lunar New Year, we were all very happy after enjoying a delicious feast.


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season. May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.


- 年糕(Rice Cake)
- 汤圆(Sweet Rice Dumplings)
- 饺子(Dumplings)
- 春联(Spring Couplets)
- 红包(Red Envelope)
- 烟花(Fireworks)
- 舞龙舞狮(Dragon and Lion Dance)
- 春晚(Spring Festival Gala)
- 拜年(Pay New Year\'s Visit)
- 祭祖(Ancestor Worship)
- 春赏花(Spring Flower Viewing)

【用英语写出中国传统节日如:New Year\'s Day春节】作业帮

- 元旦(New Year\'s Day)
- 春节(The Spring Festival)
- 元宵节(The Lantern Festival)
- 清明节(The Tomb Sweeping Day)
- 端午节(The Dragon Boat Festival)
- 中秋节(The Mid-Autumn Festival)
- 重阳节(The Double Ninth Festival)
- 腊八节(The Laba Festival)
- 春分(The Spring Equinox)
- 过年(The Chinese New Year)


Chinese Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. On this day, people decorate their homes with New Year paintings, couplets, and red lanterns. They also set off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate the arrival of the new year. It is a time for families to come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy special traditional food.