> 文章列表 > 介绍元宵节晚会英语作文




The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival that is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations and is one of the most important festivals in China.

During the Lantern Festival, people celebrate with various activities and traditions. One of the highlights is the display of colorful lanterns in all shapes and sizes. These lanterns are often intricately designed and create a vibrant and festive atmosphere.

Another popular activity during the Lantern Festival is eating yuanxiao, a type of sweet rice dumpling filled with different kinds of fillings. The round shape of yuanxiao symbolizes unity and family reunion. It is believed that eating yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival brings good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

Furthermore, people also enjoy solving riddles written on lanterns during the Lantern Festival. These riddles are often challenging and require wit and creativity to solve. It adds an element of fun and intellectual stimulation to the festivities.

In addition to lanterns, food, and riddles, lion dances and dragon dances are also commonly performed during the Lantern Festival. These lively and energetic performances involve dancers wearing elaborate costumes, dancing to the beat of drums and gongs. They are believed to bring good fortune and chase away evil spirits.

Overall, the Lantern Festival is a joyful and colorful celebration that brings people together to celebrate the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new year. It is a time for family gatherings, delicious food, and a display of Chinese culture and traditions.


The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival that takes place on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It is a significant part of the Chinese New Year celebrations and is eagerly anticipated by people of all ages.

One of the main traditions of the Lantern Festival is the lighting of lanterns, which symbolizes the hope for a bright and prosperous future. These lanterns come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from simple to elaborate designs. They are often decorated with colorful patterns and images, making them a beautiful sight to behold.

Another important tradition during the Lantern Festival is the eating of yuanxiao, a type of sweet rice dumpling. It is said that the round shape of yuanxiao represents wholeness and harmony. Families gather together to enjoy this delicious treat and to exchange good wishes for the upcoming year.

In addition to lanterns and yuanxiao, the Lantern Festival is also known for its vibrant and lively performances. Lion dances and dragon dances are commonly seen during this time. These performances involve skilled dancers and musicians who create a mesmerizing spectacle with their movements and music.

Furthermore, the Lantern Festival is a time for people to engage in various activities and games. One popular activity is solving riddles written on lanterns. These riddles can be quite challenging and require both intelligence and creativity to solve. It adds an element of excitement and competition to the festival.

The Lantern Festival is not only celebrated in China but also in many other countries with Chinese communities. It serves as a bridge that connects people of different backgrounds and cultures, uniting them in the spirit of joy, happiness, and unity.


The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival that has a long history dating back thousands of years. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, marking the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

One of the most iconic symbols of the Lantern Festival is, of course, the lanterns themselves. These lanterns come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, creating a magical and enchanting atmosphere. They are often hung outside houses, along streets, and in parks, illuminating the night sky and bringing warmth and joy to the surroundings.

During the Lantern Festival, families and friends gather together to enjoy various activities and traditions. One such activity is the eating of yuanxiao, a type of sticky rice dumpling stuffed with sweet fillings. It is believed that eating yuanxiao during the festival brings good luck and fortune in the coming year.

Another highlight of the Lantern Festival is the lion dances and dragon dances that take place in many cities and towns across China. These performances are not only visually spectacular but also carry deep cultural and symbolic meanings. Lions and dragons are considered powerful and auspicious creatures in Chinese mythology, and their dances are believed to bring blessings and ward off evil spirits.

Furthermore, the Lantern Festival is a time for people to showcase their creativity and ingenuity. Riddles written on lanterns are a popular game during this festival. Solving these riddles requires intelligence and quick thinking, providing entertainment for people of all ages.

In conclusion, the Lantern Festival is a time for celebration, family reunions, and cultural traditions. It is a festival that embodies the spirit of unity, joy, and hope. As the lanterns light up the night sky, they serve as a reminder of the beauty and resilience of Chinese culture.